7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (2024)

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (1)

If only you could learn German by just memorising translations of words – why isn't language learning that simple?

Well, the reason is, every language uses different grammar rules to build sentences. Grammar is the framework that creates the structure of every sentence.

Essentially, grammar is a set of rules that helps you communicate accurately by composing sentences in specific ways. In this article, you'll find out the seven basic German grammar rules beginners need to know to start speaking the language right away.

German sentences appear to follow some sort of jumbled English grammar. So how do you know where to place those nouns, adverbs, adjectives, and verbs?

German grammar is actually simpler than you might imagine. (Despite what the Grammar Villain would have you believe). And by focusing your efforts on the most important rules, like the ones you'll discover in this post, you'll save time and energy. And start expressing yourself in German sooner.

By the way, if you want to learn German fast and have fun while doing it, my top recommendation isGerman Uncoveredwhich teaches you through StoryLearning®.

WithGerman Uncoveredyou’ll use my unique StoryLearning® method to learn tricky German grammar naturally through stories. It’s as fun as it is effective.

If you’re ready to get started,click here for a 7-day FREE trial.

1. German Verbs Come Second, Most Of The Time

Don't worry! Verb position is one of the most straightforward grammar concepts in German. Typically, the verb (the word relating to an action) comes in the second position of a sentence. Take a look at the following examples.

  • Ich liebe dich. (I love you.)
  • Wir leben dort. (We live there.)
  • Er studiert Medizin. (He studies medicine.)

As you may have noticed, these sentence structures are very similar in both English and German. However, when you want to ask a question, you have to move the verb to the first position.

  • Liebst du mich? (Do you love me?)
  • Lebt ihr dort? (Do you (plural) live there?)
  • Studiert er Medizin? (Does he study medicine?)

Double verbs, separable prefixes, conjunctions, and modal verbs complicate these rules slightly. However, the rules for these cases are also relatively straightforward. Learn more about verb position in German.

2. Always Capitalise German Nouns

You may have noticed that the last sentence example capitalized the word Medizin (medicine). In German, nouns (words that name people, things and places) are always capitalised. Below are more examples.

  • Ich liebe den Sommer. (I love summer.)
  • Wir leben in dem Haus mit meiner Mutter. (We live in the house with my mother.)
  • Er studiert seit September mit seinem Bruder Medizin an der Universität. (He has been studying medicine with his brother at the university since September.)

Although all nouns are capitalized, pronouns are never capitalized, unless they come at the beginning of the sentence.

3. There's A Time, Manner, And Place For German Adverbs

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (2)

Adverbs, as you probably remember from school, are words that modify verbs, adjectives and even other adverbs. In English they often (but not always) end in “ly” – “quickly”, “angrily”, “actually”.

In a sentence, adverbs tell us about how, when, how often or where something happens.

The previous example – Er studiert seit September mit seinem Bruder Medizin an der Universität –shows how the word order differs slightly in German compared to English.

In German, you always need to follow the rule “time, manner, place” when determining adverb word order.

German Adverbs Of Time

  • gestern —yesterday
  • heute — today
  • immer —always
  • manchmal — sometimes
  • morgen — tomorrow
  • morgens — mornings
  • nachmittags— in the afternoon
  • nachts /abends — at night, evenings
  • nie/nimmer — never
  • oft —often

German Adverbs Of Manner

Adverbs of manner indicate how something happens and include words such as:

  • allein(e) — alone
  • eventuell — possibly
  • freiwillig —voluntarily
  • gern(e) —gladly
  • hoffentlich — hopefully
  • langsam — slowly
  • leichtsinnig — recklessly
  • lieber — rather
  • natürlich —naturally
  • sicherlich — certainly
  • vielleicht — maybe
  • widerwillig — stubbornly
  • wütend —angrily
  • zögerlich — reluctantly
  • zufällig — per chance
  • zusammen — together

German Adverbs Of Place

Finally, adverbs of place describe where an action takes place. Some examples include:

  • da/dort —here/there
  • drauβen — outside
  • drinnen — inside
  • hier —here
  • irgendwo — somewhere
  • links — left
  • nirgends — nowhere
  • oben — above
  • rechts —right
  • überall — everywhere
  • unten —below
  • voran — before/in front

Below are some examples of how to put the “time, manner, place” rule to practice.

  • Ich bin oft (time) allein (manner) irgendwo hin (place) gegangen. (I often went somewhere alone.)
  • Wir sind heute (time) zusammen (manner) hier (place). (Today we're here together.)
  • Er ist gestern (time) freiwillig (manner) nach drauβen (place) gegangen. (He went outside voluntarily yesterday.)

This rule doesn't exist in English. But you'll be glad it exists in German. There's no need to think about how to structure your sentences. Simply follow the rule.

4. German Nouns Have Genders

One of the more complicated grammar concepts for native English speakers to grasp is that words have genders. In German, you have three different cases to choose from: masculine, feminine, and neuter.

The case system can take time to learn but follows clear grammatical rules. Make sure you learn the gender of a word, every time you add to your German vocabulary.

  • Masculine – Der
  • Feminine – Die
  • Neuter – Das

Sometimes, you'll have to memorize which gender a word has. Other times, you can figure out the gender from the word ending.

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (5)

Job positions are also distinguished by gender. Take a look at the following examples:

  • Der Lehrer (male teacher)
  • Die Lehrerin (female teacher)
  • Der Koch (male chef)
  • Die Köchin (female chef)
  • Der Student (male student)
  • Die Studentin (female student)
  • Der Künstler (male artist)
  • Die Künstlerin (female artist)

Knowing the gender of nouns is essential to formulating the rest of your German sentences. You'll also need to understand the elements of your sentence.

5. German Has 4 Cases

The articles (a/an/the in English) change depending on whether a word is the subject, direct object, indirect object, or possessive object.

  • The subject – You can find the subject of a sentence by asking yourself who or what is performing an action. In German, the subject takes the nominative case.
  • The direct object – A direct object is a noun or pronoun on the receiving end of the subject's action. In German, the direct object takes the accusative case.
  • The indirect object – This element of the sentence is passively affected by the action of the verb. In German, the indirect object takes the dative case.
  • You should also note that some German prepositions take the accusative case, while others are always in the dative case. Additionally, some prepositions can take either case, depending on their use in a sentence.
7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (6)

If you're already familiar with sentence structure in English, you'll find it easier to identify the subject, direct object, and indirect object of a sentence.

Let's look at an example:

  • Ich (subject) habe meiner Tante (indirect object) Blumen (direct object) geschenkt. I (subject) gifted my aunt (indirect object) flowers (direct object).

The graphic below gives an overview of the German cases.

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (7)

As you can see, choosing the correct translation of “the” and “a” requires some thought at first. Don't worry, even if you choose wrong, native speakers will still understand you! The more you practice, with plenty of exposure to German through reading and listening, the less you'll have to think about which ending is right.

If you want to learn more, check out this 5 Part Guide to Finally Understanding the German Case System.

6. Noun Genders And Cases Determine Adjective Endings

As if having to choose from three different noun genders wasn't challenging enough, you also have to watch out for German adjective endings.

That's right, depending on the case, you'll have to decide which ending is appropriate for the preceding adjective. The good news is, there are straightforward rules to help you determine which adjective ending to use.

Let's take a look at the range of possibilities.

German Definite Article Adjective Endings “The”

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (9)

German Indefinite Article Adjective Endings “A”

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (10)

Both the gender of the word and its role in the sentence determine which case and endings to use. It sounds scary but it will become second nature, especially if you look out for these changes as you read and listen to German.

7. German Plural Possibilities

Unlike English, you can't always just slap an -s onto a word to create the plural form in German. The German language forms plurals in multiple ways. Some common plural endings are -e, -er, -en, -n, and -s.

Below are a few examples.

Add an -e ending to nouns ending in -eur, -ich, -ier, -ig, -ling, and -ör. Many feminine words that are single-syllable also add an -e, as well as an umlaut.

  • Das Tier (the animal) – die Tiere (the animals)
  • Der Likör (the liqueur) – die Liköre (the liqueurs)
  • Die Hand (the hand) – die Hände (the hands)

Add -er to most single-syllable neuter nouns. An umlaut may also be necessary.

  • Das Wort (the word) – die Wörter (the words)
  • Der Mann (the man) – die Männer (the men)
  • Das Haus (the house) – die Häuser (the houses)

Add an -n or -en ending to masculine words ending in -e, -ent, and, -ant, -ist, -or. Feminine words ending in -e, -in, -ion, -ik, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -tät, and -ung also often take this ending.

  • Der Autor (the author) – die Autoren (the authors)
  • Die Blume (the flower) – die Blumen (the flowers)

Add an -s ending to words finishing with -a, -i, -o, -u, and -y.

  • Das Auto (the car) – die Autos (the cars)
  • Das Kino (the cinema) – die Kinos (the cinemas)
  • Die Mutti(the mother) – die Muttis(the mother)

As in English, some German nouns are the same in both their singular and plural forms. In this case, only the word's article reveals which form is intended.

For example, der Löffel (the spoon) becomes die Löffel (the spoons). There are also several exceptions to the above rules that you'll have to become familiar with through immersion in German.

Start Communicating With Basic German Grammar

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (12)

Although German sentence structure may not seem to make sense, at first sight, there are specific rules behind the apparent chaos.

Fortunately for you, many aspects of German grammar follow straightforward rules and have few exceptions.

However, many of these rules take time to learn. The good news is that as you listen to German podcasts and read German books, these rules will become second nature to you. But you will need to immerse yourself in the language for this.

The seven essential grammar rules above will help you dive right into German as a beginner. And get you started so you can connect with native speakers.

Even if you haven't mastered German grammar, continue to practice the language. German speakers will still understand you if you make mistakes. And will applaud your effort to learn their language!

Learn German Through Story

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (13)

Now that you know some basic German grammar, you might be even more excited to learn the language. But you're probably still wondering how you can make the essential grammar second nature, so you can use it effortlessly in conversation.

Well, in German Uncovered, my story-based beginner course, all the learning happens in the context of a page-turning tale. You learn the key vocabulary and grammar of German as you read the story, with guidance from an expert German teacher.

Thanks to the compelling content, you learn and retain the language better than in traditional methods where you learn grammar or vocabulary in isolation, without a rich context to make the meaning clear.

So if you're a German beginner who'd like to reach intermediate level without wrestling with tricky German grammar points, make sure you check out German Uncovered.

With this course, you learn to speak German through a fun and natural method that makes learning a pleasure, and grammar a breeze! And who doesn't want that!?

Are you feeling more confident about basic German grammar after reading this post? Which German grammar points do you find tricky? Let meknow in a comment below.

7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning (2024)


7 Basic German Grammar Rules – StoryLearning? ›

It depends on youe current level. If you are learning from scratch — no knowledge of German — then A2 in 1 month is IMPOSSIBLE. Even if you put 36 hours every week x 4 weeks — in 160 to 170 hours of self-study you cannot cover all 4 skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) to A2 level.

Can I learn German in 1 month? ›

It depends on youe current level. If you are learning from scratch — no knowledge of German — then A2 in 1 month is IMPOSSIBLE. Even if you put 36 hours every week x 4 weeks — in 160 to 170 hours of self-study you cannot cover all 4 skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) to A2 level.

How can I memorize German grammar? ›

German Grammar Basics – 6 Fundamental Things You Need To Learn
  1. Irregular Verbs: Put Them In A Verb Book.
  2. To Be And To Have.
  3. German Verbs Come Second Most Of The Time.
  4. Always Capitalize German Nouns.
  5. All German Nouns Have Gender.
  6. Sentence Structure, Cases, and Articles.
  7. Let's Recap.
  8. Don't Be Afraid to Speak – and Practice More.

What is the hardest part of German grammar? ›

This will be very different for native and non-native speakers. Native speakers don't stop to work out grammar as they speak, whereas non-native speakers have to do this a lot - at least at first. As a non-native German speaker I would say that learning to apply the cases correctly is the hardest part of the grammar.

In what order should I learn German grammar? ›

In what order should I learn German grammar rules? Start with the basics: articles, noun genders, and simple verb conjugations. Progress to sentence structure, cases, and more complex verb forms.

How long does it realistically take to learn German? ›

German is rated as a category 2 language and considered to be similar to English. The FSI estimates that German takes approximately 30 weeks, or 750 classroom hours to learn. This study was conducted on a group of language students who spent 25 hours per week in class, and three hours daily on individual practice.

What is a B2 level in German? ›

The B2 grade makes you an independent user. You have reached an advanced stage in German, which means that you can demonstrate real competence in speaking and writing. You will be able to give technical speeches in your chosen fields and read complex texts. Your communication style is also more natural and spontaneous.

What is the easiest German word to say? ›

German language basics: Most common German words
  • Ja = Yes.
  • Nein = No.
  • Hallo = Hello (used as a casual greeting)
  • Tschüss = Bye (used as a fairly informal farewell)
  • Auf Wiedersehen = Goodbye (used as a more formal farewell)
  • Danke = Thanks.
  • Entschuldigung = Excuse me.
  • Es tut mir leid = I'm sorry.
Aug 9, 2024

Which grammar is harder French or German? ›

However, German grammar tends to be difficult, and more complicated than that of Romance languages like French, for a lot of learners. It is consistent in following its own rules, but the problem is that there are a lot of rules, and the rules themselves are rather complex.

Is English or German grammar harder? ›

The German language has far more rigid rules for spelling than those in English. Once you've learned the standard pronunciation rules, you will be able to use German language words correctly. German pronunciation seems difficult. In fact, German is one among the few languages where pronunciation is sensible.

Why is German so hard for English speakers? ›

But what makes German so hard to learn? The only reason that German seems so difficult to people is that it has grammar rules that other languages don't. German is a language with relatively high “inflection,” meaning that the words in a sentence change based on their grammatical roles.

Which German dialect is the hardest to understand? ›

Swabian can be difficult to understand for speakers of Standard German due to its pronunciation and partly differing grammar and vocabulary.

Which grammar is harder Spanish or German? ›

Overall, Spanish might be easier than German at the beginning stages, but the two tend to even out in difficulty once learners get to the more advanced stages. German has more complicated grammar rules that need to be mastered early on, but once learners get familiar with them, they find that they're pretty consistent.

What is the best website to practice German grammar? ›

Duolingo: Best for Everyday Practice

Duolingo is terrific for learning grammar and writing and it's one of the more popular options to learn German for free, especially for beginners. Through constant and varied forms of repetition, this great website and app helps it all stick in your brain.

Where to start with German grammar? ›

Nouns. The first German grammar topic you should delve into is nouns. Nouns are the most important words in any sentence because they do the heavy lifting when it comes to expressing meaning.

Why does German have two words for Saturday? ›

However, the current German word for Sabbath is Sabbat. The second name for Saturday in German is Sonnabend, which derives from Old High German sunnunaband, and is closely related to the Old English word sunnanæfen. It means literally "Sun eve", i.e., "The day before Sunday".

What is the shortest time to learn German? ›

How long does it take to learn German?
Proficiency level20 lessons/week30 lessons/week
German A18 weeks (up to 150 hrs)6 weeks
German A28 weeks (up to 260 hrs)6 weeks
German B18 weeks (up to 490 hrs)6 weeks
German B28 weeks (up to 600 hrs)6 weeks
2 more rows
Aug 9, 2024

Can you learn a language in 30 days? ›

Conclusion. So, after diving into the idea of learning a new language in just 30 days, it's clear that it's totally doable with the right game plan. But let's keep it real – it's not a walk in the park. It takes serious dedication, smart strategies, and a healthy dose of realism.

Can I learn German A1 in 15 days? ›

Many people tried to learn German language within 15 days, and it is possible too but with hard work only. First you should know the base of any language, that can help you to learn it.


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.